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What it meant to have 25GB 30 years ago

In just thirty years, hardware technology has made quite a considerable advance. If you don't believe it, look at the following image where a comparison is made between what it meant to have 20GB of disk space 30 years ago and 32GB today. comparison is clear both in physical space and price and weight, especially the latter.

In just thirty years, hardware technology has made quite a considerable advance. If you don't believe it, look at the following image where a comparison is made between what it meant to have 20GB of disk space 30 years ago and 32GB today. comparison is clear both in physical space and price and weight, especially the latter.

The comparison in numbers is:

IBM 3380 Disk Systems – 1980 8 IBMs 3380 Disk Systems of 2.5GB each (totaling 20GB)

Estimated Value: $648,000 to $1,137,000

Weight: 2,000kg (2,000,000g) microSD – 2010


Una tarjeta microSD de 32GB

Valor estimado: US$100 a US$150

Peso: 0.5g (0.0005kg)


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